Friday, January 28, 2011

Oh my god there was a new episode of Hellcats!!!

Well, everyone knows that I love some Hellcats and I even have an awesome Hellcats fanfic posted on the interwebs(just do a search on or wait a few mins and I'll have some of them posted on here) and this week's new episode was pretty fun to watch.

Although, there were some moments, I could have lived without. Let's see if I can hit a few points...

1. The Savarti beef was resolved far too quickly.

Now, I do love some melodrama and I thought that maybe this would be the chance for some with Marti and Savannah being on the outs. They could have dragged out a little more. It just feels like a cop out like they could have any conflict between the stars. I know Savannah is a good person and her forgiving Marti is perfectly in character but still, this was a missed chance.

2. Is Alice a bitch or a misunderstood girl with a soft side?

It is established that every teen show has to have a bitch with a heart of gold but this is beyond ridiculous. In the span of one episode we go from feeling sorry for Alice and seeing how messed up her relationship with her dad to super bitch with Savannah to broken girl with Lewis. I understand developing a character but she is all over the place.

3. Lewis is...umm...I dunno what he is...

All I have to say about this is how many times do we have to see him do that darn 'Damn girl you know you be doing wrong' face?

4. Marti is still Marti.

Now this is my last gripe. I was just hoping that maybe we could see a little more of Marti as a character instead of the always confidant Marti. There was a moment when she said that 'He was my Dan first' and they totally blew by it.

The show is still fun and sexy and I'll keep watching the show. I just hope the writers will stop playing the 'fun and sexy' card and give me a little substance in the next few shows.

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